Discontinue use if severe hepatotoxicity develops. HTN, hypokalaemia, fluid retention; heart failure, recent MI or ventricular arrhythmia; history of CV disease. Measure serum transaminases prior to, every 2 wk for 1st 3 mth & mthly thereafter. Monitor BP, serum K & fluid retention at least mthly; adrenocortical insufficiency. Measure blood sugar in diabetic patients frequently. Concomitant use w/ cytotoxic chemotherapy. Not recommended in combination w/ radium 223 dichloride. Closely monitor liver function if ALT or AST rises >5x ULN or bilirubin rises >3x ULN. Moderate hepatic impairment. Not to be used in severe hepatic impairment. Patient should use effective contraceptive method. Not to be used in women of childbearing potential. Pregnancy & lactation.