Adult Herpes simplex 200 mg 5 times daily 4 hrly w/o night dose for 5 days, may be increased to 400 mg daily.
Suppression of herpes simplex in immunocompetent patient 200 mg 4 times daily 6 hrly.
Prophylaxis of herpes simplex in immunocompromised patient 200 mg 4 times daily 6 hrly. Doses may be increased to 400 mg in severe immunocompromised patients (post-bone marrow transplant) or indigestion.
Herpes zoster 800 mg 5 times daily 4 hrly w/o night dose for 5 days.
Childn Treatment & prophylaxis of herpes simplex in immunocompromised patient Childn ≥2 yr Adult dose,
<2 yr ½ adult dose.
Severe renal dysfunction (CrCl 10 mL/min) 200 mg twice daily 12 hrly.
Herpes zoster in patient w/ severe renal dysfunction 800 mg twice daily 12 hrly.
Herpes zoster in patient w/ moderate renal dysfunction (CrCl 10-25 mL/min) 800 mg 3 times daily.