Not to be used in patients w/ type 1 diabetes or for diabetic ketoacidosis. Increased haematocrit. Complicated UTIs. Patients w/ known CV disease, on antihypertensive therapy w/ history of hypotension or ≥75 yr. Increased risk of vol-depletion in patient ≥75 yr. Assess renal function prior to & periodically during treatment. Monitor vol status & electrolytes. Counsel patients on routine preventive foot care. +ve test for glucose in urine. Not be initiated in patients w/ eGFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m
2 or CrCl <60 mL/min; ESRD or on dialysis. Not recommended in severe hepatic impairment. Hepatic injury. Avoid during pregnancy. Not to be used during lactation. Childn & adolescents. Not recommended in elderly ≥85 yr.