IM in the deltoid region in adult & childn or in the anterolateral thigh in neonates, infants & young childn.
Adult ≥20 yr 20 mcg dose.
Childn ≤19 yr, infant & neonate 10 mcg dose.
Primary immunization 0, 1 & 6 mth or accelerated schedule of 0, 1 & 2 mth, 4th dose to be administered at 12 mth.
Adult ≥20 yr travelling to high endemic areas 3 IM given at 0, 7 & 21 days, 4th dose is recommended 12 mth after 1
st dose.
Childn 11-15 yr 20 mcg vaccine may be administered at 0, 6 mth schedule when there is low risk of HBV infection & when completion of 2-dose vaccination course can be assured. If both conditions cannot be assured (eg, patients undergoing haemodialysis, travellers to endemic regions & close contacts of infected subjects), 3-dose or the accelerated schedule of 10 mcg vaccine should be used.
Renal insufficiency & undergoing haemodialysis ≥16 yr 4 double dose at elected date, 1, 2 & 6 mth from date of 1
st dose,
≤15 yr, including neonate 10 mcg at 0, 1, 2 & 12 mth or 0, 1 & 6 mth.
Known or presumed HBV exposure 0, 1, 2-12 mth, 1
st dose can be administered simultaneously w/ HBIg.
Neonate born of HBV-carrier mother 10 mcg starting at birth & 1 of 2 immunization schedules have to be followed. Use either at 0, 1, 2 & 12 mth or 0, 1 & 6 mth schedule. When available, HBIg should be given simultaneously.