Tab Edema associated w/ CHF, hepatic cirrhosis, renal disease Adult 20-80 mg as a single dose, increased by 20-40 mg 6-8 hrly until desired response is obtained.
Childn 2 mg/kg as a single dose, increased by 1-2 mg/kg 6-8 hrly, until desired response is obtained. In childn w/ nephrotic syndrome dose may be increased to a max of 6 mg/kg.
Mild to moderate HTN, alone or in combination w/ other antihypertensives & as adjunctive treatment in hypertensive crisis Initially 40 mg twice daily.
Inj Initially 20-40 mg IV/IM. Increase at 2 hrly intervals by 20 mg. If necessary inject a further 20-40 mg after 20 min.
Acute pulmonary edema Initially 40 mg IV. An additional 20-40 mg may be administered after 20 min.