Frisian Flag Mama

Frisian Flag Mama

Basic Prescribing Info
Per serving 45 g Total fat 5 g, saturated fat 2.5 g, trans fat 0 g , linoleic acid (LA) 437 mg, cholesterol 4 mg, protein 9 g total carbohydrate 28 g, fiber 3 g, soluble fiber (inulin) 3 g, total sugar 21 g, lactose 13 g, sucrose 7.5 g, Na 105 mg, K 520 mg, vit A 20% AKG, vit D 35% AKG, vit E 30% AKG, vit C 30% AKG, vit B1 30% AKG, vit B2 35% AKG, vit B3 20% AKG, vit B5 25% AKG, vit B6 35% AKG, folic acid 30% AKG, vit B12 30% AKG, Ca 25% AKG, phosphorus 45% AKG, Fe 25% AKG, Mg 40% AKG, Zn 25% AKG, iodine 20% AKG, selenium 25% AKG, manganese 25% AKG, flouride 8% AKG, choline 45 mg, α-linolenic acid (ALA) 63 mg, DHA 34 mg, AA 4 mg, taurine 14 mg, biotin 17 mcg, inositol 20 mg, copper 128 mcg, Cl 241 mg. Energy: 190 kCal
MIMS Class
Enteral/Nutritional Products
ATC Classification
V06DB - Fat/carbohydrates/proteins/minerals/vitamins, combinations ; Used as general nutrients.
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