Hong Kong Poison Classification
Poison Classification for Hong Kong
Non-poison (NP)
May be sold by medicine retailers.
Part II poisons (P2)
May be sold within the registered premises of an Authorised Seller of Poisons (ASP), commonly known as pharmacy or dispensary, or a Listed Seller of Poisons.
Part 1 only Poisons (P1)
May be sold within the registered premises of an ASP, by registered pharmacist or in his presence & under his supervision.
Schedule 1 only Poisons (S1)
Other than those limitations applied to Part I only poisons, sale of P1S1 poisons is also subject to the following limitations:
a) The purchaser of P1S1 poisons shall be fit & proper person & known by the seller.
b) ASP should enter the particulars of the transaction in the poisons book & the entry should be signed by the purchaser & counter-signed by the registered pharmacist.
Schedule 3 Poisons (S3)
Other than those requirements applied to Part I only poisons, & ASP shall only supply S3 poison on prescription given by a registered medical practitioner, a registered dentist or a registered veterinary surgeon. Corresponding entry should be made in the prescription record book.
Schedule 5 Poisons (S5)
Drugs with special labeling requirements as found in Schedule 5 of Chapter 138A, Pharmacy and Poisons Regulations.
Antibiotic (A)
Same requirements as applied to S3 poisons.
Dangerous Drug (DD)
Other than those requirements applied to S3 poisons, particulars of the transaction should also be recorded in dangerous drugs register. Refer to Dangerous Drug Ordinance.