Before using, clean the area around the eyes & the eyebath (bowl for eyewash liqd) & rinse w/ Sanbe Airins ophth soln. Pour ± 5 mL of ophth soln or according to the directions on the eye bath. W/ the head down, stick the eyebath on 1 eye until it is positioned properly & sticks well. Blink the eyes several times while gently pressing the bottom of the eyebath so that the liqd flows optimally to clean the eyes. Do it for about 30 sec in a slightly raised position, w/o worrying about the liqd spilling. The liqd will flow to clean & refresh the eyes. Discard the used liqd & rinse the eye bath using the ophth soln. Perform the same procedure for the other eye using the new ophth soln. After using Sanbe Airins ophth soln, close the eyes briefly & wipe off any remaining liqd. Avoid flushing eyes w/ water. Rinse the eyebath again w/ ophth soln & dry after use. Use regularly as needed.