IV Adult Administer at time 0 (time of oxazaphosphorine administration), after 4 hr & after 8 hr, w/ each dose being 20% of the oxazaphosphorine dose.
W/ very high-dose oxazaphosphorine cytostatic therapy (eg, before bone marrow transplantation) Total dose can be increased to between 120% & 160% of the oxazaphosphorine dose. After administration of 20% Uromesan (related to the total dose of oxazaphosphorine) at time 0, the remaining calculated dose should be given continuously IV over a period of 24 hr w/ a perfusor.
Intermittent bolus inj Adult 3 x 40% (at times 0, 4, 8 hr) or 4 x 40% (at times 0, 3, 6, 9 hr) respectively.
Childn Given in 3-hr intervals (eg, 20% at time 0, 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 hr). Short 15-min infusion are possible.
Continuous infusions of ifosfamide Administer at time 0 following the initial 20% bolus inj (start of infusion at time 0), followed by infusion to up to 100% of the ifosfamide dose & continue uroprotection for further 6-12 hr after ifosfamide infusion termination.